I'm happy to report that I have survived Round #3 of chemo! I went last Monday for my most recent treatment. During my visit with the doctor, she shared results of an ultrasound I had had a few days earlier. The ultrasound showed that the tumor in my right breast has shrunk significantly! The right lymph node has also shrunk slightly. The tumor on the left side is actually slightly bigger, but both my doctor and I know that it got bigger after the biopsy (which is normal). We can both feel that it is smaller than it was right after the biopsy, which basically shows there is some progress there too. So, bottom line, chemo is working!!!
It's kind of funny how each round of chemo is a little different. I can expect the same basic pattern, but each time there are slight variations. I felt worse this time than I had the previous two times. I've been warned that there is a cumulative effect with the fatigue caused by chemo, and it seems like this may be the case. I also had more nausea this time than I've had with previous treatments, and it's lasted longer. I also think that this time was harder just because I'm tired of feeling tired. The roller coaster of treatment, downward slide into extreme fatigue/bone pain/nausea, then a gradual return to feeling almost normal just in time to go back for another treatment has begun to take a toll. I'm working hard to stay focused on my goal of kicking cancer's butt. In the end, it's going to all be worth it! Overall, I'm feeling well now and am looking forward to having a week off from treatment to enjoy it!
I just have to take a moment to say how wonderful my children are! They have taken on so much in the last couple of months. We've worked hard to keep their routines as normal as possible when we can. There have also been new routines established, and they've adjusted so well to the "new normal." They are so sweet to me when I'm not feeling well. The first couple of days after treatment, I'm usually not feeling up to getting out of bed in the mornings as early as possible. I'm usually still in bed when they get up. Both of them immediately come into my room to check on me. I get sweet hugs and greetings from both, and it makes my day! I can't imagine doing this without them!
Since my last post, I've been dealing with the loss of my hair. In some ways it's been easier than expected. My family and I have all adjusted to my new look, and I'm very comfortable going "bald" when I'm at home. Contrary to what I thought going into this, it's actually the most comfortable way to be. I expected that I would want some sort of covering on my head a lot of the time. However, I've found that I find most scarves, hats, and wigs to be pretty uncomfortable. They can also be very hot! The most comfortable option is a scarf, which I've done quite a bit. I initially had a lot of trouble wearing my wig and would get a bad headache if I had to wear it more than a couple of hours. I took it back to the wig shop where I purchased it, and they were able to adjust it for me. It seems better now, but I've come to the conclusion that I just really don't like having things on my head!
I have one more treatment left of the first type of chemotherapy. My treatment plan was to have four rounds of Adriamycin and Cytoxan (or AC), with treatments every other week. That will be followed by 12 weekly treatments of Taxol and Carboplatin. My first Taxol/Carboplatin treatment will be three weeks after my last AC in order to allow time for my counts to recover completely. Even more so than other chemotherapy drugs, the Carboplatin has the potential to affect my white blood cell count. My doctor has warned me that there is a chance that treatments may have to be postponed if my counts are too low. I'm praying very hard that does not happen. I already know how frustrating it is to show up expecting to receive a treatment and then not be able to get one. I don't want to repeat that again! I'm also praying that I can handle going for weekly treatments, without a week off in between to recover. I will certainly be happy if the side effects from those drugs are not as severe and won't cause me to feel as bad for as long as my current treatment.
We continue to be blessed with such wonderful family and friends! We have had more meals delivered to us than I can even count. On nights we don't have meals, we have restaurant gift cards that others have given us to get take-out. Having meals taken care of has been such a wonderful blessing! One of Quentin's co-workers who is running the Triple Crown with her two teenage children has asked if they can wear shirts to support my cause. They designed shirts and are wearing them to each of the races. Also, the continued support through notes, cards, emails, and texts has been so encouraging!
For now, I'm just keeping on (with the reassurance that we're seeing progress!) and trying to take things day-by-day. If nothing else, this journey has taught me to do that!